Mysterious Fish Beast Gilmos [怪魚獣 ギルモス] is an original kaiju by Dream Rocket, being Chapter 3 in the Monster File Series. Gilmos was one of the first original kaiju sculpts released by Dream Rocket.
[Translated from Dream Rocket website, with changes due to my mistakes and creative license.]
Gilmos began successive attacks on vessels, after its habitat was thoughtlessly destroyed by humans. Although the Kaijoujieitai [Maritime Self Defense Force] believed that it had been quelled by depth charge attacks, Tokyo Bay was invaded. Finally, the monster was confined and exhausted on the artificial island of Odaiba.
Stats / Abilities:
Mysterious Fish Beast Gilmos
Length: 42 meters
Weight: 15,000 tons
The claws on its arms and legs contain a poison that can kill a whale in a few minutes.
One blow from its tail can sink a large tanker.
Gilmos will become aggressive when faced with loud sounds and harsh lights.
Artist's notes:
I loved the idea of a fish-man in the Amazon River. Accordingly, I couldn't help but create a half-fish monster. Therefore, it is not Ragon from Ultraman, although I was aware of Samera from Thundermask. Also, I don't know why, but I thought of the Sea Panther from the anime Cutie Honey. I wanted them to be all mixed up.
The webbing on its arms is really spread out- I thought it would be really cool if it were like something gliding down from a ship's mast to the deck. From this, I created Gilmos' basic look, but there were slight differences as I had to take into account pulling the vinyl from the mold as well as balance issues for the toy. As a wild idea, I placed flippers throughout its body, which would look beautiful as it swims through the ocean.
Release catalogue:
1. Olive-green vinyl + silver, green, gold and black spray and HP details.
(Mail-order release, cir. 2005/06)

Note: This release was bagged with the paper insert below (click for higher resolution).

2. Clear blue vinyl + silver spray and HP details.
Note: The first 20 pieces purchased received an exclusive print by Mark Nagata.
{Super 7 exclusive version, ??/2006)

3. Clear blue vinyl, unpainted.
(Super 7 subscriber version, ??/2006)

4. Clear blue vinyl + silver inner paint and HP details.
(Unknown release, cir. 2006)

5. Clear blue vinyl + green inner paint and HP details (red eyes).
(Superfestival in Osaka version, ??/2006)

6. Clear blue vinyl + purple inner paint and HP details (red eyes).
(Superfestival in Osaka version, ??/2006)

7. "Uzushio [Whirling Current] version"; Clear blue vinyl + purple, yellow, gold and cream spray and HP details.
(Mail-order release, ??/2006)

8. Black vinyl + metallic pink, silver and gold spray, with red glitter and HP details.
Note: One-off piece.
(Summer Wonderfestival 2008 lottery prize, 8/2008)

9. Black vinyl + metallic green, silver, gold and pink spray, with green glitter and HP details.
Note: One-off piece.
(Summer Wonderfestival 2008 lottery prize, 8/2008)

10. Black vinyl + metallic blue, silver, gold and pink spray, with blue glitter and HP details.
Note: One-off piece.
(Summer Wonderfestival 2008 lottery prize, 8/2008)
